Results for 'Olivier Picard O.'

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  1.  18
    Un remblai thasien du IVe siècle. C. Les monnaies.Olivier Picard O. - 1985 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 109 (2):747-750.
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    Recherches à Latô, V : le prytanée.Olivier Picard O. & Pierre Ducrey - 1972 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 96 (2):567-592.
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    Les abords N.-E. de l'agora de Thasos. 1. Les monnaies.Olivier Picard O. - 1989 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 113 (2):473-476.
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    Recherches à Latô. VII. La rue Ouest, habitations et défense.Olivier Picard O. & Pierre Ducrey - 1996 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120 (2):721-754.
    Publication de maisons de Lato, dégagées en 1970-1971. Elles sont situées sur l'une des sept terrasses échelonnées le long des deux côtés de la rue qui descend de l'agora vers la porte Ouest de la ville. Ces habitations très simples sont constituées d'une pièce et d'une cour, généralement dotée d'une citerne. À l'exception de la maison V, où fut mise au jour une baignoire, ainsi qu'un riche matériel céramique du milieu du IIe s. av. J.-C, les autres maisons étaient vides (...)
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    Deux émissions de bronzes d'Amphipolis.Olivier Picard O. - 1994 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 118 (1):207-214.
    Δημοσίευση πέντε χάλκινων νομισμάτων της Αμφίπολης, τα οποία βρέθηκαν στις ανασκαφές της Θάσου. Οι τύποι των νομισμάτων (κεφαλή Ηρακλή και λιοντάρι ή κάπρος) είναι πολύ διαφορετικοί από τους συνηθισμένους τύπους της πόλης τον 4ο αιώνα και θυμίζουν εκείνους των βασιλέων της Μακεδονίας. Τοποθετούνται, επομένως, στη σύντομη μεταβατική περίοδο που ακολουθεί την κατάκτηση της πόλης από το Φίλιππο Β' της Μακεδονίας. Σύμφωνα με το συμπέρασμα αυτό θα πρέπει να επανεξετασθούν ορισμένα σημεία της χρονολόγησης των αργυρών νομισμάτων, την οποία πρότεινε ο C. (...)
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    Le trésor de Kaki Thalassa.Olivier Picard O. - 1969 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 93 (2):823-829.
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    Recherches à Latô.Olivier Picard O. & Pierre Ducrey - 1969 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 93 (2):792-822.
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    Recherches à Latô, IV : le thé'tre.Olivier Picard O. & Pierre Ducrey - 1971 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 95 (2):515-531.
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    Recherches à Latô. II. Le grand temple.O. Picard & Pierre Ducrey - 1970 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 94 (2):567-590.
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  10.  20
    Monnaies et timbres amphoriques à Thasos : quelques points de convergence.Olivier Picard - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:645-658.
    La frappe de la monnaie et le timbrage des amphores relèvent d’une même technique, celle du sceau, qui est la marque d’une autorité publique. Cette étude analyse les rapprochements entre la composition des types monétaires et celle des emblèmes sur les timbres. Elle relève les nombreux exemples d’emploi de la même image. Elle étudie la signification juridique du scellement, qui a pour effet d’indiquer l’objet dokimon, agréé par la cité. Elle compare les modes de contrôle de la monnaie et des (...)
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  11.  13
    La grande mutation du bronze lagide au début du IIe s. : questions de change.Olivier Picard - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):549-561.
    L’Égypte lagide offre une documentation exceptionnelle pour étudier le travail des changeurs grâce aux comptes conservés par les papyrus et au remplacement des types monétaires lors des dix réformes du monnayage en bronze que nous avons distinguées. Nous analysons ici deux de ces réformes, le passage de la série 4 à la série 5 et surtout la « grande mutation » de la série 6. La monnaie de bronze passe alors d’un système chalque / obole / drachme à un système (...)
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  12.  30
    Le commerce de l'argent dans la charte de Pistiros.Olivier Picard - 1999 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 123 (1):331-346.
    This paper considers the three first clauses of the Pistiros Charter. Closely connected with each other, they show the financial privileges accorded to Greek merchants by the Thracian authorities. The third clause prohibited any annulment of debts. The second may be compared to the δίκη αργυρίου in Athens and apparently concerned inheritances, which explains the recourse to the principle of kinship. In the first we have to restore an oath "purgatoire", by which the dynast denies having received funds demanded of (...)
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  13.  95
    Peter of John Olivi The Sum of Questions on The Sentences [of Peter Lombard].Peter of John Olivi, O. F. M. Flood & Oleg Bychkov - 2008 - Franciscan Studies 66:83-99.
  14.  30
    Thasos.Bernard Holtzmann, Olivier Picard & Yves Grandjean - 1975 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 99 (2):711-715.
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    Le trésor de Dimalla 1973 et le passage du monnayage hellénistique au monnayage impérial à Apollonia d'Illyrie.Shpresa Gjongecaj & Olivier Picard - 1998 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 122 (2):511-527.
    A new study of the 87 coins (29 silver and 58 bronze) of Apollonia in Illyria which comprise the Dimalla treasure. The silver coins have as types a head of Apollo on the right and three nymphs dancing around the hearth of the Nymphaeon on the reverse, with names of mint officers (which are not those of the prytaneis), and having the same weight as the Roman denier. The bronze coins revert to the types that preceded the great 1st c. (...)
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    Olivier jacquemond: Uvažovať S blanchotom O priatelstve.Olivier Jacquemond - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (8).
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    Translation of Peter Olivi's Commentary on Acts 2: 42-47.Peter Olivi & O. F. M. Karris - 2007 - Franciscan Studies 65 (1):256-263.
  18.  29
    Thasos.Yves Grandjean, Yvon Garlan, Haïdo Koukouli, Roland Martin & Olivier Picard - 1978 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 102 (2):803-830.
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    Alexandrie (Egypte) 1992-1993.Jean-Yves Empereur, Albert Hesse & Olivier Picard - 1994 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 118 (2):503-519.
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    Apollonia d'Illyrie (Albanie).Claire Balandier, Vasil Bereti, Pierre Cabanes, Jean-Marie Cuda, Vangjel Dimo, Séverine Épelly, Julien Espagne, Annick Fenet, Eric Fouache, Shpresa Gjongecaj, Jean-Luc Lamboley, Philippe Lenhardt, Skënder Muçaj, Pëllumb Naipi, Marek Titien Olszewski, Jean François Pastre, Yann Pépin, Olivier Picard, Iris Pojani, François Quantin, Lydie Rauzier, Elsa Villeneau & Bashkim Vrekaj - 1996 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120 (2):971-993.
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    O intervalo de contingência: Hans Blumenberg e outros modernos.Olivier Feron - 2011 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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  22. (1 other version)O direito puro.Edmond Picard - 1951 - Salvador,: Bahia, Progresso. Edited by A. Souza & [From Old Catalog].
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    Is Ethical P–O Fit Really Related to Individual Outcomes? A Study of Management-Level Employees.Olivier Herrbach & Karim Mignonac - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (3):304-330.
    This study examines the influence of ethical value congruence on a manager sample's attitudes and behaviors using polynomial regression analysis. The results indicate a general lack of support for congruence effects. However, main effects of perceived organizational ethical values are found for all outcomes; how managers perceive their organization's values is directly associated with organizational commitment, job satisfaction, perceived procedural justice, adaptive behaviors, and turnover intentions. Implications for the impact of ethical values are drawn from the findings.
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    A política do trabalho de campo: sobre a produção de dados em socio-antropologia.Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan - 2017 - Maputo, Moçambique: Alcance Editores.
  25.  60
    Peter Olivi's Dialogue with Aristotle on the Emotions.O. F. M. Dominic Whitehouse - 2012 - Franciscan Studies 70:189-245.
    Peter of John Olivi composed Question 57 of his Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum (“Questions on the Second Book of the Sentences”) in the decade after William of Moerbeke had translated, not long before 1270, Aristotle’s On Rhetoric into Latin.2 It was above all Moerbeke’s translation that gave thirteenth-century Europe access to the analysis of the emotions that Aristotle had placed in Book Two of the work. Two earlier translations existed: one that Hermannus Alemannus had made from an Arabic translation (...)
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  26.  32
    Jbs jbs jbs.Hugues Plourde, Bertrand Nolin, Olivier Receveur, Marielle Ledoux, Masoumeh Simbar, Fatemeh Nahidi, Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, Monika Krzyz, Olayinka O. Omigbodun & Kofoworola I. Adediran - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (5).
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  27.  5
    Pregn'ncia Simbólica Versus Antepredicativo: O Diálogo Entre Merleau-Ponty E Cassirer.Olivier Feron - 2009 - Phainomenon 18-19 (1):227-236.
    A fact ignored or underestimated by most of the specialist of the work and thought of Merleau-Ponty is the debt h is phenomenology of perception has to Ernst Cassirer’s own phenomenology. The articulation of an actual dialogue between the two thinkers is here anchored in Cassirer’s _concept of symbolic pregnance; which will have further development in Merleau’s Phenomenology of Perception, especially in the chapter he dedicated to the concept of expression. The elements of a possible discussion between the two concepts (...)
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    On the axiom of extensionality in the positive set theory.Olivier Esser - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (1):97-100.
    This is a study of the relative interpretability of the axiom of extensionality in the positive set theory. This work has to be considered in the line of works of R. O. Gandy, D. Scott and R. Hinnion who have studied the relative interpretability of the axiom of extensionality in set theories of Zermelo and Zermelo-Fraenkel.
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    «o Fürstin der Heimath! Glückliches Stutgard». Politik, Kultur und Gesellschaft im deutschen Südwesten um 1800. Hrsg. von Otto Pöggeler und Christoph Jamme. [REVIEW]Olivier Depré - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (75):544-548.
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    Classical and effective descriptive complexities of ω -powers.Olivier Finkel & Dominique Lecomte - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (2):163-191.
    We prove that, for each countable ordinal ξ≥1, there exist some -complete ω-powers, and some -complete ω-powers, extending previous works on the topological complexity of ω-powers [O. Finkel, Topological properties of omega context free languages, Theoretical Computer Science 262 669–697; O. Finkel, Borel hierarchy and omega context free languages, Theoretical Computer Science 290 1385–1405; O. Finkel, An omega-power of a finitary language which is a borel set of infinite rank, Fundamenta informaticae 62 333–342; D. Lecomte, Sur les ensembles de phrases (...)
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    Recent Study on Peter Olivi.O. F. M. Flood - 2000 - Franciscan Studies 58 (1):111-119.
  32.  22
    O desafio da falácia naturalista segundo Hume e seu impacto no positivismo jurídico: uma contraposição entre o positivismo normativo de Kelsen e o positivismo de regras de Hart.André Luiz Olivier da Silva - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 6 (2):75-95.
    O artigo analisa o significado de regra jurídica a partir dos modelos teóricos propostos por Hans Kelsen e Herbert Hart, levando em consideração as implicações do desafio proposto por David Hume sobre a denominada falácia naturalista. Com base em um método analítico-descritivo, pretende-se abordar em que consiste a falácia naturalista e qual é o seu impacto na metodologia do positivismo normativo de Kelsen e do positivismo de regras de Hart. Embora nenhum deles consiga refutar a falácia naturalista, pretende-se, ao final, (...)
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  33. A Esfera Pública E As Lutas Por Reconhecimento: De Habermas AHonneth.Olivier Voirol - 2008 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 11:33-56.
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  34. Quand Vouloir, c'est Faire [How to Do Things with Wants].Olivier Massin - 2014 - In R. Clot-Goudard (Dir.), L'Explication de L'Action. Analyses Contemporaines, Recherches Sur la Philosophie Et le Langage N°30, Paris, Vrin 30.
    This paper defends the action-theory of the Will, according to which willing G is doing F (F≠G) in order to make G happen. In a nutshell, willing something is doing something else in order to bring about what we want. -/- I argue that only the action-theory can reconcile two essential features of the Will. (i) its EFFECTIVITY: willing is closer to acting than desiring. (ii) its FALLIBILITY: one might want something in vain. The action-theory of the will explains EFFECTIVITY (...)
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    Saturation and stability in the theory of computation over the reals.Olivier Chapuis & Pascal Koiran - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 99 (1-3):1-49.
    This paper was motivated by the following two questions which arise in the theory of complexity for computation over ordered rings in the now famous computational model introduced by Blum, Shub and Smale: 1. is the answer to the question P = ?NP the same in every real-closed field?2. if P ≠ NP for , does there exist a problem of which is NP but neither P nor NP-complete ?Some unclassical complexity classes arise naturally in the study of these questions. (...)
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  36.  10
    L'oeuvre de Léo Hamon: thèmes et figures.Patrick Charlot & Olivier Beaud (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Dalloz.
    Connu pour ses engagements et ses responsabilités politiques - il fut avocat, résistant, conseiller de la République, sénateur, député, ministre -, Léo Hamon a aussi été un grand universitaire, inaugurant sa carrière à la faculté de droit et de science politique de Dijon. Si ses travaux de jeunesse portent essentiellement sur le droit administratif, sa carrière universitaire, à partir de 1959, lui permet d'être l'un des premiers à s'intéresser à la jurisprudence naissante du Conseil constitutionnel et à consacrer des colloques (...)
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  37. Toucher et Proprioception.Olivier Massin & Jean-Maurice Monnoyer - 2003 - Voir (Barré) 26:48-73.
    Our thesis is that proprioception is not a sixth sense distinct from the sense of touch, but a part of that tactile (or haptic) sense. The tactile sense is defined as the sense whose direct intentional objects are macroscopic mechanical properties. We first argue (against D. Armstrong, 1962; B. O'Shaughnessy 1989, 1995, 1998 and M. Martin, 1992, 1993,1995) that the two following claims are incompatible : (i) proprioception is a sense distinct from touch; (ii) touch is a bipolar modality, that (...)
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  38.  32
    Peter Olivi and Franciscan Poverty.O. F. M. David Flood - 2016 - Franciscan Studies 74:177-184.
    In the tenth study of his Quaestiones de perfectione evangelica,1 written in late 1279, Peter of John explained at length that, if engaged in spiritual pursuits, it is more perfect to beg for one’s sustenance than to acquire it by labor.2 To the study he tacked a second question.3 He considered critically the proposition that Franciscans owned nothing and did not touch money; they could live well, however, even very well, on the holdings of others.4 Brother Peter offered seven arguments (...)
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  39.  14
    Relation sexuelle et relation pédagogique.Alain Patrick Olivier - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (78):1745-1762.
    Résumé : Peut-on tirer de l’œuvre de Michel Foucault une théorie de l’éducation et de l’éducation comme émancipation? et quelle place pourrait avoir dans ce cadre l’histoire de la sexualité? Nous nous attachons dans cet article aux derniers cours du philosophe qui font place à une thématique de l’autonomie, de la liberté avec les thèses sur le « souci de soi ». Nous discutons la possibilité de considérer la relation épimélétique comme une forme de relation pédagogique, et nous demandons pourquoi (...)
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  40. As crenças naturais e a mitigação do ceticismo em Hume.André Luiz Olivier da Silva - 2010 - Princípios 17 (27):203-218.
    Resumo: Este artigo pretende mostrar que a teoria das ideias de Hume náo apresenta apropriadamente uma soluçáo cética para o problema da justificaçáo das crenças, mas, sobretudo, uma soluçáo naturalista. Uma investigaçáo empirista como a de Hume prioriza as impressões sensíveis no processo cognitivo da natureza humana ao mesmo tempo em que reconhece as dificuldades em se extrair ideias diretamente de impressões, o que pode ocasionar a dúvida e a suspensáo das crenças. Como mitigaçáo ao ceticismo, Hume propõe uma intervençáo (...)
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    Pietro di Giovanni Olivi Frate Minore.O. F. M. David Flood - 2017 - Franciscan Studies 75:533-536.
    The October 2016 publication of the 2015 convegno on Peter of John Olivi begins with a fine survey of Provence and Languedoc in Olivi's time. J. Chiffoleau, with C. Lenoble, supplies the reader with much detail and some summary, along with abundant reference, on Olivi's home turf. In the come and go of life religious and lay, Olivi saw to critical support for business while trying to stabilize Franciscan life. He did very well by both. Chiffoleau finishes his pages on (...)
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    Uma abordagem dos direitos humanos a partir de Hume e dos sentimentos morais/A human rights approach from Hume and moral sentiments.André Luiz Olivier da Silva - 2013 - Natureza Humana 15 (2).
    O presente artigo propõe uma abordagem dos direitos humanos a partir da perspectiva de Hume acerca dos sentimentos morais, ao mesmo tempo em que descarta a tese dos programas racionalistas de fundamentação dos direitos que chegam ao ponto de afirmar a existência de direitos naturais que todos possuiriam em razão de sua própria natureza humana. Contra esses programas, a postura cética e naturalista de Hume pode nos auxiliar a explicar o modo como os direitos humanos são enunciados por ativistas e (...)
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    Bouwsma's Notes on Wittgenstein's Philosophy, 1965-1975.O. K. Bouwsma - 1995 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    This fully revised new edition re-establishes Paul Griffiths's survey as the definitive study of music since the Second World War. The disruptions of the war, and the struggles of the ensuing peace, were reflected in the music of the time: in Pierre Boulez's radical reforming of compositional technique and in John Cage's move into zen music, in Milton Babbitt's settling of the serial system and in Dmitry Shostakovich's unsettling symphonies, in Karlheinz Stockhausen's development of electronic music and in Luigi Nono's (...)
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  44. Redistribuzione o riconoscimento? di Nancy Fraser e Axel Honneth.Marcus Ohlström, Marco Solinas & Olivier Voirol - 2010 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 23 (2):443-460.
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    A primer of simple theories.Rami Grossberg, José Iovino & Olivier Lessmann - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (6):541-580.
    We present a self-contained exposition of the basic aspects of simple theories while developing the fundamentals of forking calculus. We expound also the deeper aspects of S. Shelah's 1980 paper Simple unstable theories. The concept of weak dividing has been replaced with that of forking. The exposition is from a contemporary perspective and takes into account contributions due to S. Buechler, E. Hrushovski, B. Kim, O. Lessmann, S. Shelah and A. Pillay.
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  46. A Burning Question: Einstein's Paradox of Correlations.Olivier Costa De Beauregard - 1980 - Diogenes 28 (110):83-97.
    In 1927 at the fifth Solvay Council, that reunited all the aristocracy of theoretical physics, Einstein, regarding with solicitude the new-born “quantum mechanics” of Louis de Broglie, Schrödinger, Heisenberg and Dirac, discerned with his usual sagacity an indelible mark that was destined to become, with time, a subject of passionate discussion among those whose vocation is to adulate this enigmatic and capricious personality.In 1926 Born had given the prophetic stroke to the portrait. Turning to probability as to the official factotum (...)
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    (1 other version)Religion et rationalité: Philon d'Alexandrie et sa postérité.Jérôme Moreau & Olivier Munnich (eds.) - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    Religion et rationalité. Philon d'Alexandrie et sa postérité propose un nouveau regard sur les travaux de Philon d'Alexandrie : prenant appui sur les mots de Moïse aussi bien que sur des concepts philosophiques, il les associe dans son commentaire de l'Écriture pour créer une nouvelle manière de penser. Les dix études rassemblées dans ce volume apportent un nouvel éclairage sur cette méthode et son originalité. Elles mettent également en évidence la pérennité de cette démarche aussi bien dans le néo-platonisme que (...)
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    Hager and Embodied Practice in Postmodernity: A tribute.Marjorie O’Loughlin - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (12):1219-1229.
    In this celebration of the work of Paul Hager, I draw attention to his highly successful collaborations with David Beckett and John Halliday as indicative of his collegiality and his conviction that knowledge is produced in cooperation with others. I highlight his enduring theme of practice and his deep concern for vocational and technical education. The theme of embodiment underpins his extensive explorations of practical knowledge, work and learning. Hager’s focus on those processes of making and repairing are foregrounded in (...)
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    Commentaire anonyme sur Prudence d'aprés le Manuscrit 413 de Valenciennes. Par John M. Burnam. One vol. Large 8vo. Pp. 300. Paris: A. Picard et fils. 1910. [REVIEW]E. O. Winstedt - 1912 - The Classical Review 26 (2):67-67.
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    Review Essay: Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the Trinity.O. S. B. Guy Mansini - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1415-1420.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Review Essay:Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the TrinityGuy Mansini O.S.B.As one would expect from his Incarnate Lord, Thomas Joseph White's Trinity is no exercise in historical theology, although of course it calls on history, but aims to give us St. Thomas's theology as an enduring and so contemporary theology that both respects the creedal commitments of the Catholic Church and offers a more satisfying understanding of the Trinity than anything (...)
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